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B’nai Simcha Annual Fund

Annual giving is one of the most important initiatives in any school’s or non-profit’s fundraising efforts. The B’nai Simcha Annual Fund is the money our preschool raises on an ongoing, yearly basis to cover both operating and budgetary costs as well as fund specific projects and campaigns that tuition alone will not cover.


Why Parent Annual Support Matters

You pay tuition. Isn’t that enough? The short answer is, unfortunately not. To continue providing our young students with a nurturing environment, unique programming, highly trained faculty and an extraordinary Jewish experience, B’nai Simcha depends on the monies raised by our Annual Fund. Without the generosity of our parent community, the preschool will not be able to maintain and expand upon our mission and vision.  Each and every gift beyond tuition is important. Together the impact made will benefit our children and help our school!


“The Gap”

Like all non-profit, independent schools, B’nai Simcha relies on the Annual Fund to help close “the gap” or to fulfill the difference between tuition revenue and the actual cost of a single year of B’nai education. 

Your Gift’s Impact

Your gift sends a message to corporations, foundations and potential major donors that our community sees the value of B’nai Simcha and that we are committed to ensuring its success! It further demonstrates that we aren’t just surviving but thriving as a private Jewish preschool. 

Your gift not only directly impacts the school, it inspires our community and beyond. And that, is truly priceless. 

painting in the art studio
Playing in the Upper Yard

Where Does the Money Go?

The Annual Fund provides the school with the greatest flexibility to direct monies where they are most needed; from educational and extracurricular programming to faculty development and support. The Annual Fund can even assist with financial aid for families in need, building or maintenance campaigns as well as fulfilling parent/student/faculty wish lists. 

The main purpose of the Annual Fund is to ensure that our school’s operational budget is fully supported while ensuring we meet all of our immediate needs. Donations are used in the same fiscal year in which they are received. The fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. 

a playground structure

How to Participate 

Participation matters and it is easy! There are a couple of ways you can help the Annual Fund: 

Attend an Event: Each year, B’nai Simcha holds at least one major fundraiser. Buying tickets to attend, purchasing auction items, encouraging friends and family to come and support, are all ways in which you will directly benefit the Annual Fund. 


Respond to the Annual Appeal: At the beginning of each school year, B’nai will launch its annual campaign starting at Back to School Night, as well as mailing out a formal letter. Please act on our call for action!

Pledge and Pay Your Way

Don't want to wait for an event or letter? Don't want to be solicited each year? Great! We can help by working with you to create a multi-year pledge to gift the school as much as you'd like over as many years as you need. 


For example: You can make a pledge to gift the school $1000 to be paid over 4 years. That’s $250 a year and we can even setup in advance when to invoice you and how to collect. Leave the paperwork to us!   


Corporate Matching Gifts:

Double the impact your gift makes by checking to see if your employer will match your donation. Companies usually match donation at a 1:1 ratio, but some will match higher at a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. Ask your Human Resources department today to see what your employer is willing to do!

Please Consider a Donation
B'nai Simcha is a non-profit 501c3 Tax ID 95-3643872

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